Module index
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3D Modelling and Digital Sculpting, M2W226031
Academic Development Skills, M1X224138
Academic Study Skills, M1X230317
Accounting for the Public Sector, M2N425774
Accounting, Organisations and Society, M1N430425
Advanced 3D Visualisation and Animation, MHW222992
Advanced Assessment and Management of Illness and Injury, MMB126657
Advanced Audit and Assurance, M2N420168
Advanced Audit, MHN427234
Advanced Binocular Vision, MMB521440
Advanced Campus Networking, M3H626847
Advanced Character Animation, M3W225660
Advanced Clinical Assessment and Decision Making in Acute and Primary Care, MMB726314
Advanced Engineering Mechanics , MMH226690
Advanced Human Rights Law, MHM126660
Advanced Imaging , M2B826183
Advanced Management Accounting, MHN425755
Advanced Orthoptics 1, M3B521596
Advanced Orthoptics 2, M3B523854
Advanced Orthoptics 3, MHB524789
Advanced Research in Applied Psychology 2, MDC825508
Advanced Research in Applied Psychology 3, MDC830679
Advanced Research Methods for Vision Sciences, MMB526590
Advanced Research Methods, MMB724491
Advanced Taxation (P6), M1N422571
Advanced Taxation, MHN425637
Advanced Telecoms, MMH626242
Advancements and Safety in Radiotherapy, MHB826011
Advancing Practices in Imaging, MMB824487
Anaesthetic Practice, M3B726245
Anaesthetic Practice, MHB726246
Analogue and Digital Electronics, M2H623525
Analogue and Digital Electronics, M2H626267
Analysis of Food, M3F120539
Analytical Techniques and Practice, MMF730269
Anatomy & Examination 1, M1B125954
Anatomy and Function, M1B126087
Anatomy for Radiographers 1, M1B826016
Anatomy for Radiographers 2, M2B826019
Applied Clinical Studies, M3B426531
Applied Digital Skills Project, MMN530246
Applied Ethics in Nursing and Healthcare Practice, MHB726122
Applied Instrumentation and Control, MHW227235
Applied Mathematics, M1G127072
Applied Pathophysiology for Advancing Professional Practice, MMB725785
Applied Psychology Practice 1S (Skills), MMC825597
Applied Psychology Practice 2A, MDC830674
Applied Psychology Practice 3, MDC825610
Applied Texturing and Shading, M2W225651
Applied Thermo Fluids and Computational Fluid Mechanics, MMH323561
Applied Thermo Fluids, M2H326996
Applied User Psychology, MMI127111
Applying Clinical, Forensic and Counselling Psychology, M2C825410
Applying Evidence Based Practice, M3B726434
Approaches to Unscheduled Care in Adult Nursing , M2B726084
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, MMI226824
Audio in Society, M1H626683
Audio Processing and Effects, M3H623531
Audit and Assurance, M1N420165
Audit, M3N425673
Audit, M3N426872
Bank Risk Management, MMN330194
Becoming a Graduate Nurse, M1B726079
Behavioural Risk Management, MMN230201
Big Data Landscape, MMI226831
Big Data, MHI225101
BIM Applications, M3K227048
Biological Chemistry, M1C726395
Biology of Disease, MHC726389
Biology of the Human Eye and Supporting Structures, M1B530327
Biomolecular Studies, MMC726392
Biotechnology, M3C526356
Borders, Culture and Environment in a Globalising World, MML526325
Brand Management, M2N525475
Brand Management, M3N525215
Building Development, MHK222235
Building Information Modelling, MHK223993
Building Services Drawing and Design Software, M1K227068
Business Research Project, MMN426599
C&S Preparation for Placement, M2K226936
Cardiac and Respiratory Practice, M2B125959
Case Studies in Clinical Physiology - integrating physiology in clinical conditions, MHB122082
Cells & Biomolecules, M1C726455
Chemical Analysis, M2F126791
Chemistry, M1F130700
Civil and Criminal Procedure, M2M226458
Climate Change and Carbon Management, MMH227053
Climate Litigation, Climate Finance & Just Transitions , MMH226800
Clinical Assessment and Decision Making, M3B726199
Clinical Assessment and Decision Making, MHB726199
Clinical Assessment and Decision Making, MHB7300167
Clinical Assessment and Decision Making, MHB730167
Clinical Dispensing Practice and Communication, M2B521620
Clinical Investigations, MMB826611
Clinical Microbiology, M3C526364
Clinical Ophthalmology (14), M3B525791
Clinical Practice Education 1, M1B527101
Clinical Practice Education 2, M2B527093
Clinical Practice Education 3, M3B527094
Clinical Practice Education 4, MHB527096
Clinical Research Methods, M3B526753
Clinical Studies (15), M3B525440
Cloud Operations, M3H626848
Commercial Banking, MMN330196
Commercial Law 1, M2M230378
Communications Engineering, M3H623517
Complex Care 2, MHB125967
Complex Care in Mental Health Nursing, M3B726116
Complex Needs and Interventions (Child), M3B726112
Computer Aided Design, M3H127056
Computer Aided Engineering, MHH113285
Computer Networking 1, M1I124450
Computer Networking 2, M2G424453
Computer Networking 2, M2G425229
Concomitant Strabismus and Visual Development, MHB523851
Conservation, MHK202886
Consolidating Clinical Practice for Paramedics, M3B926435
Construction Contracts 3, MHK226930
Construction Contracts 3, MHK226931
Construction Contracts and Dispute Management, MMK226783
Construction Cost Studies, M2K225143
Construction Cost Studies, M2K225247
Construction Economics and Procurement, MMK226174
Construction Materials, M1K221884
Construction Materials, M1K225125
Construction Technology (MSc), MMK226179
Construction Technology 1, M1K221945
Construction Technology 1, M1K225122
Construction Technology 2, M2K220795
Construction Technology 2, M2K225132
Consultancy and Training in Applied Psychology 1 - Health, MMC826025
Consultancy and Training in Applied Psychology 1 - Sport and Exercise, MMC826024
Consumer Behaviour & Ethical Consumption, MMN530247
Consumer Buying Behaviour, M2N525487
Contact Lens Studies (14), M3B525443
Contemporary Employment Relations, M3N225536
Contemporary Issues in International Business, MMN130618
Contemporary Podiatric Practice, MHB426105
Contemporary Quantity Surveying Practice, M3K224770
Control Engineering 3, M3H627229
Control Systems, MMH624556
Converging Technologies for AV, MHH623532
Core Principles in Paramedic Science, M1B926427
Core Skills in Biosciences 1, M1C724205
Core Skills in Biosciences 2, M2C726361
Corporate Finance and Financial Strategies, M3N325646
Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Development, MMN230225
Creating and Designing Experiences, M2N225581
Creating Original Drama 1, MMW821942
Creative Advertising, M3P325464
Creative Fashion Concepts, M1W230513
Creative Practice, MHW225718
Creativity and Storytelling, MMP330652
Creativity for Media, M2P326898
Criminal Law and Evidence, M1M230370
Criminological Perspectives on Violence, MHL426544
Criminology and Criminal Justice, M1L326651
Critical Enquiry in Applied Psychology 2, MDC825601
Critical Enquiry in Applied Psychology 3, MDC825609
Critical Enquiry in Counselling Psychology 1, MMC825594
Critical Issues in Global Politics, MHL930260
Critical Perspectives on Accounting, MHN425775
Critical Review of Research, MML321383
Critical Tourism and Event Studies, MHN425537
Culture and Society, M2L326619
Current Issues in Tourism and Events Management, MHN425548
Cyber Defence and Penetration Testing, MMI125226
Cyber Defence and Penetration Testing, MMI126271
Cyber Physical Systems Security, MHH126851
Cyber Physical Systems Security, MHH126864
Data Analysis For Environmental Science, MMF730263
Data Capture, MMH126808
Data Ethics and Research Methods, MMI226823
Data Management for Urban Environment, MMK923248
Data Protection and Ethics, M3I127108
Defined Area of Ultrasound Practice 1, MMB824470
Delivering Complex Adult Nursing Care, M3B726109
Delivering Excellence Care, M3B726107
Design and Regulation 1, M2K226937
Design and Regulation 2, M3K226781
Design Economics and Cost Planning, MMK226176
Design for Change, MHW227209
Design of Playful Experiences, M2I627241
Designing Tourism and Event Experiences, MMN830241
Destination Management, MMN830242
Developing Clinical Practice for Paramedics: Advancing Skills , M2B926432
Developing Professional Identity for the People Profession, MMN630211
Developmental Psychology, MHC830669
Developments in Professional Practice, MHB826004
DevOps, M3I325687
DevOps, M3I325896
Diabetes Care - A Multi Professional Approach, MMC126416
Diagnostic Techniques, M2B521592
Diagnostic Techniques, M2B522302
Digital and Programmable Systems 2, M3H623544
Digital Construction, M2K230685
Digital Construction, M2K230686
Digital Design and Computer Architecture, MHH623542
Digital Forensics 2, M3I126855
Digital Forensics 2, M3I126867
Digital Media Development, MMI125050
Digital Media Technology, MMI125052
Digital Production, M2P527219
Digital Psychology, M1C826895
Digital Signal Processing, MHH623541
Dispensing Practice Portfolio, M3B524792
Dissertation Honours Project, MHL426672
Dissertation in Law, MHM225722
Dissertation, MHK226974
Dissertation, MHK226975
Dissertation, MHN225481
Dissertation, MMB025802
Dissertation, MML526328
DPT Practice based Learning 7 (Elective), MHB125033
Dramatic Writing, M3P325459
Economics of Inequality, MML125533
EEE Honours Research Project, MHH630296
Electrical Distribution Systems, M2H630297
Electrical Machines, M3H625943
Electrical Principles and Circuit Theory, M1H623526
Ending Empire in South Asia: The Twentieth Century, M3V230585
Energy Efficiency and Design Studies, MHH221946
Energy in Buildings, M3K227059
Energy Resources and Management, MHH227006
Energy Resources, Generation and Utilisation, M2H823551
Engineering Design and Analysis 3, M3H120320
Engineering Design and Analysis 3, M3H124814
Engineering Design and Analysis 4, MHH122359
Engineering Design and Analysis 4, MHH124819
Engineering for Society, M1H626678
Engineering Science, M1H326688
Engineering Science, M1H326689
English for Academic Purposes (EAP), MMX230318
Enterprise Networking 1, MHI126852
Entrepreneurship for Business, Society and the Professions, M3N225489
Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Hazards, M3F126779
Environmental Economics & Sustainability, MHL130369
Environmental Forensic Analysis, MHF426787
Environmental Planning and Impact Assessment, MMH222327
Environmental Policy and Regulation, M2K427174
Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Analysis, MMF727057
Environmental Risk Management, M3N225498
Environmental Science and Measurement, M2F721866
Epidemiology: Principles, Application and Evaluation in Practice, MMB725027
Essentials of Managing Human Resources, M2N625210
Essentials of Nutritional Science, M1B426520
Estimating, M3K226932
Estimating, M3K226960
Ethics and Responsible Leadership, M2N225595
Ethics, Sustainability and Governance, MMN430180
Evaluating Professional Perspectives and Clinical Decision Making for Advanced Practice, MMB721993
Evidence Based MSK Injury & Rehabilitation, M3B326103
Evidence Informed Inquiry for Occupation Focused Practice, M3B926069
Evidence Informed Occupational Transformation, MMB926059
Experimental Games, MHI626982
Exploring Self and Human Agency, M1L522637
Fan Cultures: onscreen, online and in-game, MHP324508
Fashion Brand Development, M2N225573
Fashion Buying and Visual Merchandising, M3N526550
Fashion Design Concepts 1, M2N225576
Fashion Design for Industry 1, M3N525557
Fashion Design Practice 1, MHN525613
Fashion Industry Fundamentals, M1W230527
Financial Accounting 1, M1N430426
Financial and Management Accounting, M1N426988
Financial Decision Making in the Tourism and Event Industry, M3N827224
Financial Management for Decision Makers, M2N426567
Financial Management for Global Decision Makers, MMN330175
Financial Management, M1N420166
Financial Reporting, M1N420164
Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, M1H120901
Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, M1H125176
Food Microbiology and Biotechnology (IBioIC), MMC525872
Food Microbiology and Biotechnology, MMC523602
Food Toxicology, MHB226383
Forensic learning disability nursing, M3B726114
Forensic Microscopy, MHF426796
Forensic Project, MHF426795
Forensic Psychology, MHC830670
Foundations in Binocular Vision and Orthoptic Practice, M1B527102
Foundations in Psychology, M1C830653
Foundations of Nursing Practice, M1B726076
Foundations of Optics, M1B530329
Front-End Web Development, MHI326715
Fundamentals in Public Health, M3B726249
Fundamentals in Public Health, MHB726250
Fundamentals of Computer Systems, M1I325623
Fundamentals of Computer Systems, M1I325893
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, M2N325807
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, M2N426986
Fundamentals of Drug Action, M3B226354
Fundamentals of Economics, M1L130452
Fundamentals of Human Physiology, M1B102521
Fundamentals of Risk Management, M1N325745
Fundamentals of Risk Management, M1N330466
Fundamentals of Routing and Switching, MMI125978
Fundamentals of Routing and Switching, MMI126275
Fundamentals of Software Engineering, M1I326709
Game Artificial Intelligence, M3I622941
Game Narrative , M2I625647
Game Preproduction Workshop , M3I625712
Games Programming 1, M3I626739
Games Sound Design 2, MHH623533
Games Sound Design, M3H620663
Garment Production and Sustainability 1, M2N525515
Gender and Society, M3L326652
Gender, Law and the Legal Profession, M3M227217
General & Ocular Pharmacology, M2B525442
General & Systemic Pathology, Physiology and Microbiology, M2B521591
General Medical Ultrasound, MMB824473
General Optometric Practice, MHB527214
Geotechnics, M2F626857
Geotechnics, M2F626858
GIS and Environmental Management, MMF827058
Global Brand Marketing, MHN525490
Global Challenges for Business and Society, M1N230354
Global Corporate Finance, MMN330199
Global Media Industries, MMP330649
Global Political Economy, MML125524
Global Strategy and Sustainability, MMN130221
Global Supply Chain Management, MMN230174
Globalisation and Crime, MHL426624
Good Times, Hard Times: America in the 1920's and 1930's, M3V326628
Graphics Programming, MHI626740
Group Project, M3W226703
Health Promotion, MMB125952
Health Protection and Patient Safety (Child), M2B726093
Health Psychology, MHC830671
Heating and Air Conditioning 2, MHH227001
High Risk Foot and Limb, M3B326100
Hitler's War: The Third Reich, German Society and the Second World War, MHV126631
Honours Project (Audio), MHW213190
Honours Project (CSN GA), MHI130258
Honours Project (CSN), MHI130252
Honours Project , MHW226542
Honours Project, MHW225671
Honours Project, MHW230319
Housing and Welfare Law, M2M125734
Human Computer Interaction, MMI127126
Human Movement: Biomechanics and Physical Activity, M1B125953
Human Physiology, M1B126370
Hydraulics, M2H320742
Hydraulics, M2H325182
Impact of International Trade Policy, M3L130418
Implementing the Occupational Therapy Process in Practice (Practice Education), M3B922587
Individuals, Teams and Communities, M2B030697
Industrial Placement, M3I323077
Industrial Practice, M3H721925
Infection and Immunity, MMC526350
Instrumental Analytical Chemistry, M3F126793
Intermediate Cost Studies, M3K226933
Intermediate Measurement and Contract, M3K226935
International Business Strategy, M3N225568
International Contact Lens Practice, MMB527184
International Economic Issues and Challenges, M1L130358
International Economic Law, M3M025710
International Finance, Institutions and Trade, MHN325741
International Financial Management, MMN430191
International Financial Reporting and Regulation, MMN430192
International Marketing Communications, M3N525476
International Marketing Strategy, M3N525562
International Politics: Structures, Theories and Issues, M3L930259
International Work, Organisations and Society, M2N225584
Internet Security, M3I126844
Inter-Professional Working: Context, Organisations and Practice, MMB530698
Interventions in Applied Psychology 3, MDC826023
Introducing Social Work, M1L522639
Introduction to Biological, Cognitive and Developmental Psychology, M2C830658
Introduction to Clinical Practice for Paramedics: Clinical Skills, M1B926429
Introduction to Counselling Skills, M3B426450
Introduction to Data Science, M3I326697
Introduction to Data Science, M3I326702
Introduction to Digital Image Creation, M1N530483
Introduction to Forensic Biology, M1C726770
Introduction to Forensic Investigation, M1F426775
Introduction to Games Concept Art, M1I625627
Introduction To Games Design, M1I625665
Introduction to Games Programming, M1I626038
Introduction to International Law, M2M225675
Introduction to Legal Systems and Study, M1M130372
Introduction to Mathematics and Structures, M2K224028
Introduction to Microbiology, M2C526397
Introduction to Nursing and Professional Values, M1B726077
Introduction to Podiatric Pathology and Assessment Skills, M1B126085
Introduction to Podiatric Practice, M1B126081
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods, MMN121381
Introduction to Quantitative Data Analysis, M2N426992
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods, MMX225607
Introductory Scots Law, M1M223812
Investigative Skills and Professional Development, MMH127078
IOT Framework Informatics, MMH626834
IoT Systems 1, M1H626685
IoT Systems 2, M2H630266
Journalism in Context, MMN827185
Jurisprudence and Social Theory, M3M125699
Law From War to Peace, MHM230594
Law of International Business, MMM130283
Leadership in Paramedic Practice, M3B926436
Leading and Managing Complex Care in Adult Nursing, MMB726133
Leading Organisations in a Changing Global Context, MHN625591
Leading Responsible Change, MMN230214
Leg Ulcer Management , M3B726221
Legal Skills, Research and Technology for Business, MMM230284
Lifespan Development for Social Work, M2L526322
Lighting and Rendering, M3W225653
Low Vision and Speciality Clinics, MHB525789
Low Vision, M2B521617
M Skills - Digital Literacies and Practical Skills, MMC726375
Machine Learning and Data Analytics, MHI225680
Maintenance Management, MMH723583
Malware Analysis and Exploits 1, M3I126854
Malware Analysis and Exploits 1, M3I126866
Malware Analysis and Exploits 2, MHI226856
Malware Analysis and Exploits 2, MHI226868
Managed Project Learning, M3K220211
Management Accounting 3, M3N325753
Management Accounting Control, MMN430193
Management Issues and Concepts, M2N225534
Management of Innovation and Creativity, MHN225222
Management of Innovation and Creativity, MHN225553
Management of Safety, Health and Environment Project Risks, MMK226320
Managing Diversity and Workplace Inclusion, MMN630215
Managing Employment Relations and the Employee Experience, MMN630255
Managing Health, Safety and Hygiene, M3N325761
Managing Public Sector Risk, MHN325643
Manufacture and Materials 2, M2H720058
Manufacture and Materials 2, M2H726030
Manufacture and Materials 3, M3H721406
Manufacturing Management, MMH723672
Marketing and Brand Management, MMN530227
Marketing Insights & Analytics, MMN530234
Masters Dissertation, MMB724468
Master's Dissertation, MMB726664
Masters Project, MMI123177
Masters Project, MMI125238
Mathematics 1, M1H326673
Mathematics 1, M1H326674
Mathematics 1A, M1H323910
Mathematics 2, M2H326684
Mathematics 2, M2H326686
Mathematics and Statistics of Experimentation, M1G326777
Mathematics for Computer Games, M1I625703
Mathematics for Computing, M1I325085
Mathematics for Computing, M1I325851
Mathematics for Data Science, M1I127133
Measurement 1, M1K221873
Measurement 1, M1K225134
Measurement 2, M2K226921
Measurement 2, M2K226922
Measurement Systems, MMH626878
Mechanical Engineering Research Project, MHH330274
Mechanisms of Cellular Regulation, M2C723491
Media Analysis 2: Discourse, Ideology and the Media, M3P325843
Media Ethics, M3P325468
Media Industries 2: Enterprise and Employability, M2P325453
Media Project, MHP330699
Medicine and Pathophysiology for Podiatrists, M2B226088
MEng Team Project, MMH723842
Mental Health and Wellbeing, M3C830664
Metabolic and Vascular Diseases, MMB126407
Methodology and Research for Effective Practice, M2B025800
Methods for Business Research and Consultancy, MMN930229
Modern Engineering Practice, M1H326682
Molecular Diagnostics, M3C723501
Mooting, Mediation and Negotiation, M2M025676
Motion Graphics and Visual Effects, MMG525053
Motion Graphics, M3W226454
MSkills Vision - Digital literacies and practical skills for M-level study, MMC926594
Multi Level Governance, M2L225474
Musculoskeletal Structure & Pathology, M2B226091
Musical Acoustics, M3H623535
Myopia Management, MMB527190
Nature of Research Enquiry, MMN121380
Network Game Programming, MHI626897
Neuromusculoskeletal Management, M2B125957
Neurorehabilitation, M2B125958
Neurorehabilitation, MMB125973
New Perspectives on Critical Marketing and Consumer Society, MHN526804
News Production and Presentation, M3P330561
Newswriting and Newsgathering, MMN826269
Non Medical Endoscopy, MMB726908
Nursing Honours Dissertation, MHB726121
Nutrition Through the Life Cycle, M2B426444
Object Oriented Analysis and Design, M2I322952
Object Oriented Analysis and Design, M2I325090
Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound, MMB824474
Occupational Justice for the Common Good, MHB926072
Occupational Justice, Policy and Societal Transformation, MMB926063
Occupational Participation through the Lifespan, MHB926074
Occupational Therapy Process; Theoretical Approaches for Health and Wellbeing, M2B926070
Omnichannel Fashion Communications, MMN530239
Ophthalmic Pathology and Pharmacology, M2B521619
Organic Chemistry 2, M3F126784
Organisational Risk: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, MMN330203
Pathophysiology & Chronic Complications of Diabetes, MMB730171
Pattern Recognition in Radiography, M3B825999
Pattern Recognition in Radiography, MMB826761
Performance Management, M1N420170
Person Centred Adult Nursing, MMB726129
Personality and Individual Differences, M3C830665
Physical Chemistry, M2F126799
Physiology and Biochemistry of Movement & Exercise, M3B123712
Placement Undergraduate, MHD623580
Podiatric Practice 2, M2B226090
Podiatric Practice 3, M3B326099
Podiatric Practice 4, MHB426110
Policing and Society, M3L424396
Politics 2: Concepts, Themes and Responses, M2L226636
Post Anaesthetic Practice, M3B726247
Post Anaesthetic Practice, MHB726248
Postgraduate Research Methods, MMN230181
Poverty, Inequality and Policy, M3L326653
Poverty, Rights and Citizenship, MML326665
Power Electronic Systems 3, M3H623070
Power Electronics and Drive Systems, MMH623585
Power System Analysis , MHH630298
Power Systems Analysis and Protection, MHH626774
Power Systems Operations & Protection , MMH624493
Practice Based Learning 2 (BSc), M3B926057
Practice Based Learning 2, M3B125961
Practice Based Learning 2, M3B926402
Practice Based Learning 4, MHB125965
Practice Education 2, M2B826013
Practice Education 3, M3B826014
Practice Education 3, MHB125975
Practice Education 4, MHB826015
Practice Education A, M2B426608
Preparation for Professional Practice, M1B025798
Prescribing for Healthcare Practitioners, M3B726146
Prescribing for Healthcare Practitioners, MHB726147
Prescribing for Healthcare Practitioners, MMB726148
Principles and Practices of Insurance and Risk Transfer, M2N326563
Principles of Geographical Information Systems (GIS1), M2F827070
Principles of Marketing, M1N530484
Principles of Spectacle Dispensing, M1B530331
Procurement and Risk Management, MHN225565
Professional Development 2, MDB124541
Professional Development 3, MDB124542
Professional Development in Applied Psychology 1, MMC825596
Professional Development in Applied Psychology 2, MDC825599
Professional Development in Applied Psychology 3A, MDC825611
Professional Links, M3M125711
Professional Orientation & Practice (POP), M1K225126
Professional Orientation and Practice, M1K203077
Professional Practice (Engineering), MMH323674
Professional Practice Education and Application 1, M1B826029
Professional Practice Education and Application 2, M2B825996
Professional Practice Education and Application 3, M3B826001
Professional Practice Education and Application 4, MHB826005
Professional Skills and Behaviours for Competent Practice, M1B926066
Programming 0, M1I326719
Programming 0, M1I326726
Programming 1, M2I326721
Programming 1, M2I326727
Programming for Cyber Security and Networks 1, M1I326580
Programming for Cyber Security and Networks 1, M1I326581
Programming Paradigms, MHI325688
Programming Structure and Design, M2I326738
Project & Workshop, MHC926371
Project (MSc), MMH106215
Project 1, MDB124543
Project 2, MDB124544
Project GIS (GIS3), MHF827011
Project Management, MHN226928
Project Management, MHN226929
Project/Dissertation, MHB527103
Project/Dissertation, MHB527210
Project: International Fashion Brand Management and Communication, MHN525583
Promoting Health and Planning Coordinated Complex Care , MMB730677
Promoting Health and Planning Co-ordinated Complex Care, MHB730678
Promoting personal outcomes for people with complex needs, M2B726094
Promoting Valued Based Nursing in Contemporary Practice, MMB726128
Property Economics, M1K224313
Property Economics, M1K225119
Psychology Empirical Project, MHC825420
Public Engagement, M3H226705
Quality Systems in Food Manufacture, MHD626384
Race, Nature and our Multispecies Future, MHL326621
Radio Production, M1P330533
Radiographic Principles 2, MMB826765
Radiographic Principles 4, MMB826767
Radiographic Principles, M2B825997
Radiotherapy and Oncology 1, M1B826006
Radiotherapy Treatment Planning and Brachytherapy, M3B826010
Realising Rights in Practice, MML326667
Recognising emotions, stress and psychopathology to enhance care and treatment in mental health nursing, M2B726097
Refraction and Binocular Vision 2, M2B521593
Regulating Financial Services, M3N325649
Renewable Power Integration, MHH626773
Reporting and Newspaper Journalism, M2P525456
Research and Project Methods, MMI123178
Research Methods 1A: Philosophy and Methods, M1C825406
Research Methods 2: Analysing Data, M2C830660
Research Methods 3: Advanced Research Methods and Analysis, M3C830667
Research Methods for Finance, MMN330200
Research Project, MMB521441
Resource Management and Circular Economy, MMH225987
Resourcing and Talent Management, MMN630216
Responsible Leadership Skills in International Contexts, MMN130230
Revenue and Cost Management for Tourism, Events and Hospitality, MMN830244
Rise of Western Societies, M1V326626
Risk Analysis and Control Techniques, M2N325683
Risk and Society, M3N325723
Risk Strategy, Culture and Leadership, MHN325641
SCEBE Sustainability Online, M2K227084
Scotland the Media and National Identity, MHP327218
Scottish Politics and Policy, M3L226639
Secure Connectivity, MMI125979
Secure Operations, MMI125236
Secure Operations, MMI126277
Secure Software Development, MHI325106
Secure Systems Administration, M2G425834
Serious Games Design, M3I626899
Shared Care and Ocular Therapeutics, MHB526552
Shorthand Speed Development, M2P525478
Shorthand Theory and Speed, M1P525477
Signal Conditioning and Analysis, MMH626814
Signals and Electronic System Design, M3H620587
Simulation for Design and Manufacture, MHH126675
Simulation for Design and Manufacture, MHH126676
Social Innovation and Alternative Economic Forms, MMN225845
Social Innovation Solutions, MMN130218
Social Justice, Equality, Discrimination and the Law, MHM225832
Social Semiotics and Product Analysis, MMP330651
Social Work Law and Policy, MML526326
Society, Politics and Sustainability, M2K423966
Sociology: Individuals and Society, M1L326650
Software Development for Data Science, MMI226822
Software Development for Engineers, M2G620493
Sound Production 1, M1H620638
Sound Reinforcement, M2J921904
Sport and the Media, MHP330554
Strategic Business Leader, M2N425390
Strategic Fashion Brand Management, MMN230240
Strategic Financial Analysis, MHN425744
Strategic Foresight Analysis, MMN430205
Strategic Management, MMN230231
Structural Design and Analysis, M2H220818
Structural Design and Analysis, M2H225179
Structural Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics), M1H120822
Structural Mechanics Statics and Dynamics, M1H125177
Supporting Anticipatory Care for Long Term Conditions (Level 10), MHB726223
Supporting Anticipatory Care for Long Term Conditions, MMB722903
Supporting Anticipatory Care, M3B726253
Sustainability and the Built Environment, MHK226545
Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility (CR) and Ethics in International Business, MHN225555
Sustainable Cities, MMK423246
Sustainable Design and Construction, MMK226175
Sustainable Materials and Practices, MHH230650
Sustainable Materials and Practices, MHH230657
Sustainable Operations Management, MMN230173
System Health Management, MMH626812
Systematic & Cellular Pathology, M3B126380
Taxation, M3N425773
Taxation, M3N426970
The District Nurse role in Supporting Anticipatory Care for Long Term Conditions, MMB726034
The Engineer and the Environment, M3H127085
The Engineer in Business (WBL3), MHH125185
The Engineer in Business, MHH123180
The Global Fashion System, MMN130238
The Law of Evidence, M3M225724
The Law of International Trade, MHM125684
The Law of the European Union, M2M230389
The Making of the Contemporary Western World: 1914 to the present day, M2V130586
The Oil and Gas Industry, MMH127086
The Principles and Theory of Public Health Practice, MMB725029
The Principles and Theory of Public Health, MMB723303
Theoretical Foundations of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science, M1B926065
Theoretical Principles of Promoting Health and Planning Co-ordinated Complex Care, MMB730684
Theories of Crime and Punishment, M3L323122
Theorising for Social Work, M2L522641
Theory and Skills for Social Work, MML526324
Therapeutic Dietetic Studies 1, M3B426449
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics (GLA), M2H324808
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, M2H323512
Topics in Medical Bioscience, MMB126394
Tourism and Events Operations, M2N826907
Tourism and Events Policy, M3N325604
Transformative Social Science, MML326670
Translational Medicine, MHB226379
Transportation, M3H227073
Transportation, M3H227074
Understanding Data, M1L130357
Understanding Evidence Based Practice in Health and Social Care, M2B726440
Understanding Excellence in Care, M2B726083
Understanding Professional Teams & Leadership, M3B025797
Understanding the Regulatory Environment of Bioprocessing Industries (IBioIC), MMD625873
Urban Issues, M1K423162
Urban Planning, M2K427010
User Psychology, M3I625715
UX Design Project, MMI127110
Video Editing and Compositing, MMG525055
Visual Design and Prototyping, MMI127131
Visual Ergonomics, M3B512494
Visual Neuroscience, M3B523225
Visual Optics, Refraction and Binocular Vision, M1B530332
Volunteering in a Technical Role, M3H620658
Water Resource Management , MHH126830
Water Resource Management, MHH126811
Water, Energy and Food, M1F727008
Water, Ethics and Justice, MMH227054
Web Application Development 1, M2I326713
Web Application Development 1, M2I326718
Web Design Fundamentals, M3I325634
Women Work and Income, MHL124391
Work Based Learning 1, M2K226915
Work Based Learning 1, M2K227081
Work Based Learning 2, M3K226916
Work Based Learning 2, M3K227082
Work Based Learning 3, MHK226917
Work Based Learning 3, MHK227083
Work Placement Experience, M3N325605
Work Placement: Scottish Poverty and Inequality Research Unit, M3L326644
Working in Forensic Settings, MMC825485
Working with Game Engines, M2I622940