SHLS_Physiotherapy & Paramedicine alphabetical index
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11PHYSIO_1_F09G1, BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
11PHYSIO_2_F09G1, BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
11PHYSIO_3_F09G1, BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
11PHYSIO_4_F09G1, BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
14PARMED_1_F09G1, BSc Paramedic Science
14PARMED_2_F09G1, BSc Paramedic Science
14PARMED_3_F09G1, BSc Paramedic Science
15ADPHPR_1_F09G1, MSc Advanced Physiotherapy Practice
15ADPHPR_1_P09G1, MSc Advanced Physiotherapy Practice
15ADPHPR_2_P09G1, MSc Advanced Physiotherapy Practice
15PHYSPR_1_F09G1, MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
15PHYSPR_1X_F01G1, MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
15PHYSPR_2_F01G1, MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
15PHYSPR_2X_F01G1, MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
39PHYSPR_1X_F01G1, Doctorate in Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
39PHYSPR_2_F01G1, Doctorate in Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
39PHYSPR_2_F09G1, Doctorate in Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
39PHYSPR_2X_F01G1, Doctorate in Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
39PHYSPR_3_F01G1, Doctorate in Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
39PHYSPR_3_F09G1, Doctorate in Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
39PHYSPR_4_F09G1, Doctorate in Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
Advanced Assessment and Management of Illness and Injury, MMB126657
Anatomy & Examination 1, M1B125954
Applying Evidence Based Practice, M3B726434
Cardiac and Respiratory Practice, M2B125959
Complex Care 2, MHB125967
Consolidating Clinical Practice for Paramedics, M3B926435
Core Principles in Paramedic Science, M1B926427
Developing Clinical Practice for Paramedics: Advancing Skills , M2B926432
DPT Practice based Learning 7 (Elective), MHB125033
Health Promotion, MMB125952
Human Movement: Biomechanics and Physical Activity, M1B125953
Introduction to Clinical Practice for Paramedics: Clinical Skills, M1B926429
Leadership in Paramedic Practice, M3B926436
Master's Dissertation, MMB726664
Neuromusculoskeletal Management, M2B125957
Neurorehabilitation, M2B125958
Neurorehabilitation, MMB125973
Practice Based Learning 2, M3B125961
Practice Based Learning 4, MHB125965
Practice Education 3, MHB125975
Professional Development 2, MDB124541
Professional Development 3, MDB124542
Project 1, MDB124543
Project 2, MDB124544
Understanding Evidence Based Practice in Health and Social Care, M2B726440