GSBS_Economics & Law alphabetical index
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15IECSOI_1_P01G1, MSc International Economic and Social Justice
15IECSOI_1_P09G1, MSc International Economic and Social Justice
15IECSOJ_1_F09G1, MSc International Economic and Social Justice
15IECSOJ_1X_F01G1, MSc International Economic and Social Justice
15IESJPP_1_F09G1, MSc International Economic and Social Justice with Professional Practice
15IESJPP_1X_F01G1, MSc International Economic and Social Justice with Professional Practice
15IESJPP_2_F01G1, MSc International Economic and Social Justice with Professional Practice
20LLMICL_1_F09G1, LLM International Commercial Law
20LLMICL_1_P09G1, LLM International Commercial Law
20LLMICP_1_F09G1, LL.M International Commercial Law with Professional Practice
22LAWSXX_1_F09G1, LLB (Hons) Bachelor of Laws
22LAWSXX_2_F09G1, LLB (Hons) Bachelor of Laws
22LAWSXX_3_F09G1, LLB (Hons) Bachelor of Laws
22LAWSXX_4_F09G1, LLB (Hons) Bachelor of Laws
23LAWSFT_1_F09G1, LLB Bachelor of Laws (Fast Track)
23LAWSFT_2_F09G1, LLB Bachelor of Laws (Fast Track)
Advanced Human Rights Law, MHM126660
Civil and Criminal Procedure, M2M226458
Commercial Law 1, M2M230378
Criminal Law and Evidence, M1M230370
Critical Review of Research, MML321383
Dissertation in Law, MHM225722
Economics of Inequality, MML125533
Fundamentals of Economics, M1L130452
Gender, Law and the Legal Profession, M3M227217
Global Political Economy, MML125524
Housing and Welfare Law, M2M125734
International Economic Issues and Challenges, M1L130358
International Economic Law, M3M025710
Introduction to International Law, M2M225675
Introduction to Legal Systems and Study, M1M130372
Introductory Scots Law, M1M223812
Jurisprudence and Social Theory, M3M125699
Law From War to Peace, MHM230594
Law of International Business, MMM130283
Legal Skills, Research and Technology for Business, MMM230284
Mooting, Mediation and Negotiation, M2M025676
Professional Links, M3M125711
Social Justice, Equality, Discrimination and the Law, MHM225832
The Law of Evidence, M3M225724
The Law of International Trade, MHM125684
The Law of the European Union, M2M230389
Women Work and Income, MHL124391