SCEBE_Cyber Security & Networks Module index
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Advanced Campus Networking, M3H626847
Cloud Operations, M3H626848
Computer Networking 1, M1I124450
Computer Networking 2, M2G424453
Computer Networking 2, M2G425229
Cyber Defence and Penetration Testing, MMI125226
Cyber Defence and Penetration Testing, MMI126271
Cyber Physical Systems Security, MHH126851
Cyber Physical Systems Security, MHH126864
Digital Forensics 2, M3I126855
Digital Forensics 2, M3I126867
Enterprise Networking 1, MHI126852
Fundamentals of Routing and Switching, MMI125978
Fundamentals of Routing and Switching, MMI126275
Honours Project (CSN GA), MHI130258
Honours Project (CSN), MHI130252
Internet Security, M3I126844
Malware Analysis and Exploits 1, M3I126854
Malware Analysis and Exploits 1, M3I126866
Malware Analysis and Exploits 2, MHI226856
Malware Analysis and Exploits 2, MHI226868
Marketing Insights & Analytics, MMN530234
Masters Project, MMI123177
Masters Project, MMI125238
Mathematics for Computing, M1I325085
Mathematics for Computing, M1I325851
Programming for Cyber Security and Networks 1, M1I326580
Programming for Cyber Security and Networks 1, M1I326581
Research and Project Methods, MMI123178
Secure Connectivity, MMI125979
Secure Operations, MMI125236
Secure Operations, MMI126277
Secure Systems Administration, M2G425834