SHLS_Biological & Biomedical Sciences Module index
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Applied Clinical Studies, M3B426531
Biological Chemistry, M1C726395
Biology of Disease, MHC726389
Biomolecular Studies, MMC726392
Biotechnology, M3C526356
Case Studies in Clinical Physiology - integrating physiology in clinical conditions, MHB122082
Cells & Biomolecules, M1C726455
Clinical Microbiology, M3C526364
Core Skills in Biosciences 1, M1C724205
Core Skills in Biosciences 2, M2C726361
Diabetes Care - A Multi Professional Approach, MMC126416
Food Microbiology and Biotechnology (IBioIC), MMC525872
Food Microbiology and Biotechnology, MMC523602
Food Toxicology, MHB226383
Fundamentals of Drug Action, M3B226354
Fundamentals of Human Physiology, M1B102521
Human Physiology, M1B126370
Infection and Immunity, MMC526350
Introduction to Forensic Biology, M1C726770
Introduction to Microbiology, M2C526397
M Skills - Digital Literacies and Practical Skills, MMC726375
Mechanisms of Cellular Regulation, M2C723491
Metabolic and Vascular Diseases, MMB126407
Molecular Diagnostics, M3C723501
MSkills Vision - Digital literacies and practical skills for M-level study, MMC926594
Pathophysiology & Chronic Complications of Diabetes, MMB730171
Physiology and Biochemistry of Movement & Exercise, M3B123712
Placement Undergraduate, MHD623580
Project & Workshop, MHC926371
Systematic & Cellular Pathology, M3B126380
Topics in Medical Bioscience, MMB126394
Translational Medicine, MHB226379
Understanding the Regulatory Environment of Bioprocessing Industries (IBioIC), MMD625873