SHLS_Occupational Therapy & Human Nutrition & Dietetics Module index
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Essentials of Nutritional Science, M1B426520
Evidence Informed Inquiry for Occupation Focused Practice, M3B926069
Evidence Informed Occupational Transformation, MMB926059
Implementing the Occupational Therapy Process in Practice (Practice Education), M3B922587
Introduction to Counselling Skills, M3B426450
Nutrition Through the Life Cycle, M2B426444
Occupational Justice for the Common Good, MHB926072
Occupational Justice, Policy and Societal Transformation, MMB926063
Occupational Participation through the Lifespan, MHB926074
Occupational Therapy Process; Theoretical Approaches for Health and Wellbeing, M2B926070
Practice Based Learning 2 (BSc), M3B926057
Practice Based Learning 2, M3B926402
Practice Education A, M2B426608
Professional Skills and Behaviours for Competent Practice, M1B926066
Quality Systems in Food Manufacture, MHD626384
Theoretical Foundations of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science, M1B926065
Therapeutic Dietetic Studies 1, M3B426449