SCEBE_Computing Module index
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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, MMI226824
Big Data Landscape, MMI226831
Big Data, MHI225101
Data Ethics and Research Methods, MMI226823
Data Protection and Ethics, M3I127108
DevOps, M3I325687
DevOps, M3I325896
Front-End Web Development, MHI326715
Fundamentals of Computer Systems, M1I325623
Fundamentals of Computer Systems, M1I325893
Fundamentals of Software Engineering, M1I326709
Group Project, M3W226703
Honours Project , MHW226542
Honours Project, MHW225671
Industrial Placement, M3I323077
Introduction to Data Science, M3I326697
Introduction to Data Science, M3I326702
Machine Learning and Data Analytics, MHI225680
Mathematics and Statistics of Experimentation, M1G326777
Mathematics for Computer Games, M1I625703
Mathematics for Data Science, M1I127133
Object Oriented Analysis and Design, M2I322952
Object Oriented Analysis and Design, M2I325090
Programming 0, M1I326719
Programming 0, M1I326726
Programming 1, M2I326721
Programming 1, M2I326727
Programming Paradigms, MHI325688
Secure Software Development, MHI325106
Software Development for Data Science, MMI226822
Web Application Development 1, M2I326713
Web Application Development 1, M2I326718
Web Design Fundamentals, M3I325634