SCEBE_Mechanical Engineering Module index
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Advanced Engineering Mechanics , MMH226690
Applied Mathematics, M1G127072
Applied Thermo Fluids and Computational Fluid Mechanics, MMH323561
Computer Aided Engineering, MHH113285
Engineering Design and Analysis 3, M3H120320
Engineering Design and Analysis 3, M3H124814
Engineering Design and Analysis 4, MHH122359
Engineering Design and Analysis 4, MHH124819
Engineering Science, M1H326688
Engineering Science, M1H326689
Industrial Practice, M3H721925
Maintenance Management, MMH723583
Manufacture and Materials 2, M2H720058
Manufacture and Materials 2, M2H726030
Manufacture and Materials 3, M3H721406
Manufacturing Management, MMH723672
Mathematics 1, M1H326673
Mathematics 1, M1H326674
Mathematics 1A, M1H323910
Mathematics 2, M2H326684
Mathematics 2, M2H326686
Mechanical Engineering Research Project, MHH330274
MEng Team Project, MMH723842
Modern Engineering Practice, M1H326682
Professional Practice (Engineering), MMH323674
Simulation for Design and Manufacture, MHH126675
Simulation for Design and Manufacture, MHH126676
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics (GLA), M2H324808
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, M2H323512