GSBS_Management & HRM Module index
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Brand Management, M3N525215
Contemporary Employment Relations, M3N225536
Contemporary Issues in International Business, MMN130618
Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Development, MMN230225
Developing Professional Identity for the People Profession, MMN630211
Dissertation, MHN225481
Entrepreneurship for Business, Society and the Professions, M3N225489
Essentials of Managing Human Resources, M2N625210
Global Challenges for Business and Society, M1N230354
Global Strategy and Sustainability, MMN130221
Global Supply Chain Management, MMN230174
International Business Strategy, M3N225568
International Work, Organisations and Society, M2N225584
Leading Organisations in a Changing Global Context, MHN625591
Leading Responsible Change, MMN230214
Management Issues and Concepts, M2N225534
Management of Innovation and Creativity, MHN225222
Management of Innovation and Creativity, MHN225553
Managing Diversity and Workplace Inclusion, MMN630215
Managing Employment Relations and the Employee Experience, MMN630255
Marketing and Brand Management, MMN530227
Methods for Business Research and Consultancy, MMN930229
Nature of Research Enquiry, MMN121380
Procurement and Risk Management, MHN225565
Resourcing and Talent Management, MMN630216
Responsible Leadership Skills in International Contexts, MMN130230
Social Innovation and Alternative Economic Forms, MMN225845
Social Innovation Solutions, MMN130218
Strategic Management, MMN230231
Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility (CR) and Ethics in International Business, MHN225555
Sustainable Operations Management, MMN230173